
Travel Tips for the Winter Holidays

November 9, 2019

It's almost time for the winter holidays, and for me, that means lots of travel! This year, I have back to back trips planned to Chicago and then to sunny San Diego. This means I need to maximize space in my suitcase for all of my essentials as well as plan for different climates. Here are some tips that I've been practicing over the past few holiday seasons that help minimize the stress of packing and traveling.

Plan outfits in advance
This will help plan how much space you can allocate for clothing in your suitcase. It’s also important to try and bring pieces you can mix and match, so you feel like you have options without overstuffing your bag with things you may not even wear. I try to bring a few basic pieces that can be reused, and minimal accessories such as a clutch that won't take up too much space. Check out my example below for a Southern California climate with my favorite vintage sweatshirt:

Use up those beauty samples
You know all those little samples and perks you get from those Sephora orders? Now is the time to use them! I like to take mini versions of just about everything other than a select few holy grail products (but all my products fit the TSA travel requirements) 

I get very anxious during takeoff and landing, almost to the point of nausea. CBD has helped me significantly with this, so I like to have a gummy or a dropper of oil under my tongue just before we head to the airport. I like the products from this brand that my father and his business partner developed- the products contain 0% THC so they are safe to bring to the airport, and the cream is approved by the FDA.

Photo c/o Brett Hoffman

Stay hydrated
Drink water constantly, as the airplane air is very dry and can wreak havoc on your skin and immune system. I bring my empty water bottle with me so I can have it on the plane. If I finish that during the flight, I always ask for water when offered by the flight attendants.

Vitamin C
I also try to have some Vitamin C packets with me to protect myself from getting sick during travel. Emergen-C or other alternatives work great. These lypo-spheric packets are really effective- they are just on the pricier side.

Livon Labs Lypo-Spheric Vitamic C, Pack of $30 / $32.95 / Amazon

Horror Movies for All

October 15, 2019

Hey y'all- it's been a minute since I've done a blog post. I've been really struggling creatively and with mental illness. This week, I'm ~finally~ beginning to feel a little better, especially since Spooky Season, my favorite time of the year, is in full swing. I feel like I'm finally doing Halloween like an adult this year- I've got an acceptable amount of decorations up for a married lady with no kids, and I've began to marathon my favorite halloween movies. My husband and I are both very into horror movies so we watch these films year-round, but it just feels so right to have the fall weather setting in and curling up on the couch with a scary movie.

I do not like gore-filled horror movies so you will not find these on my list, but you will find some movies I've watched this month and plan on watching, each within their own categories that I've created. This list can be for people who have not seen these movies and want to get into the Halloween spirit, but it can also serve as a checklist to make sure that you're getting the best of the season!

The Classics

The Exorcist (1973)
One of my favorite horror movies. The soundtrack is iconic and it is one of the few older horror movies that scares the wits out of me to this day. I do not recommend watching this alone, and if you do, you'll probably need to sleep with the lights on.

Carrie (1976)
A film about a high school outcast who suffers abuse from her overly religious mother discovers she has telekinetic abilities. The most iconic high school prom scene- while they original is definitely very 1970's, I do not like any of the remakes.

The Shining (1980) 
Another Stephan King novel turned film, this movie has so many classic moments and Jack Nicholson's performance of a man's slow descent into madness is unparalleled. Heeeeere's Johnny!

The Omen (1976)
A man discovers that his son is not actually his- he is something much worse. Reasons why I generally avoid children named Damien.

The Hills Have Eyes (1977)
A family camps out in the desert and discovers they are not alone. I'm a sucker for classics and love the original Wes Craven version.

The Bad Guys

A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
1,2 Freddy's coming for you... Freddy Krueger is one of the baddest, not just because of the fact that he kills teenagers by invading their dreams, but because he has a sharp tongue and certain cleverness to him. Robert Englund's performance in the franchise is unparalleled.

Friday the 13th (1980)
A masked killer is loose at Camp Silverlake. Jason Voorhees is one of the most iconic horror movie villian- I have a painting of him in my home. He even crosses over with Freddy Krueger in Freddy Vs Jason (2003)

Halloween (1978)
See how long this theme gets stuck in your head. Michael Myers can't seem to be stopped by anything when it comes to getting to his victims- which is why he is so scary.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
A guy who kills people with a chainsaw, aka Leatherface, and makes masks out of their faces...yep, sounds pretty terrifying.

Hellraiser (1987)
A door to an alternative dimension is opened and horror is unleashed. The Cenobites scare. the. living. CRAP. out of me.

It (1990)
The movie that made me HATE clowns. A group of children in a New England Town discover a terrifying force in the form of a circus clown named Pennywise. Tim Curry is brilliant in this role.

The Good Guys

Evil Dead (1981)
Ash Williams's introduction to the world- he wields a chainsaw for a hand and fights off supernatural forces. He also appears in Army of Darkness (1992), which continues his mission to defeat the evil that was set upon the world by an ancient spell book.

The Last House on the Left (1972)
Two teenage girls are kidnapped and tortured- but they are avenged. Parents of the year award (well, kind of).

Most Visually Compelling

Suspiria (1977)
A young woman at a ballet academy discovers the school is run by a coven of witches. Visually incredible and an amazing soundtrack by prog rock band Goblin.

Mandy (2018)
A man's girlfriend is kidnapped by a cult that delves in psychedelic drugs, supplied by a demonic biker gang. One of Nicholas Cage's best roles.

Best Reboots

Suspiria (2018)
Less focused on the artistic visuals, this movie takes the original story in a different direction and is very well done.

Halloween (2018)
Starring Jaime Lee Curis's character as an adult, she once again faces Michael Myers.

It (2018)
Just when I didn't think Pennywise could get any scarier...


The Greasy Strangler (2016)
Just straight up crude, dumb, and not particularly scary. Funny if you're very drunk.

Leprechaun (1993)
A Leprechaun does not want his gold taken, and will do whatever it takes to keep it. Warwick Davis is hilarious in these movies, but it's a so-bad-it's-good type of situation.

The Toxic Avenger (1984)
More of a sci-fi movie, but still stupid. A nerd falls into toxic waste and becomes a friendly monster/superhero.

Personal Favorite

The Devil's Rejects (2005)
A follow up to House of 1000 Corpses (2003), a trio of murderous outcasts on the run from the law. These characters have become cult favorites and I will forever treasure meeting Sid Hadig and Bill Moseley in person. (RIP Sid)

My Hurricane Food & Drink Essentials

August 31, 2019

Stuart, FL, USA
For those of you non-Floridians, hurricane season is like playing cards. You never know what you're going to get dealt. Finding yourself in the potential path of a hurricane can be scary, anxiety-inducing, and all around exhausting. People are scrambling to get gas, water, bread, milk, and various canned goods and break-neck speeds, not even knowing if they will be impacted directly by the storm. While at least 3 days worth of non-perishable foods and water are essential for hurricane preparedness, I find that so many people go buck wild and buy foods that are high in sugar, sodium, and fat in extremely large quantities. The anxiety can also cause people to stress eat all these snacks, which in turn, can make you feel pretty crappy if you aren't used to it.

Most people don't really think about "healthier" options as they are prepping for a hurricane, and that's ok! Your safety is paramount. However, I just thought I'd drop a little note on some healthy hurricane options that you can keep in your pantry, or stock up on if you happen to find yourself in the "cone of uncertainty". Please note, I am not a health expert. These are just foods that I find to be delicious and a little bit better for you.

1) Dry/Canned Beans

 Any kind of dry or canned beans are great to keep around. They fill you up and are packed with protein, and can feed a lot of people with only a can or 2. I like to keep garbanzo beans on hand, as these can be roasted, eaten as is, or mashed to make hummus. If you can, try and make sure any canned beans you buy are low sodium.

2) Dried Fruits, Nuts, and Seeds

These make great snacks and are great for breakfast, as they provide vitamin C, potassium, protein, etc. You can also appease your sweet tooth without consuming a ton of refined sugar. 

3) Nut Butters

Of course, the common theme here is protein. You need protein to fuel your body, and unfortunately a lot of meat products will go bad if their is a power failure due to the storm. Nut butters are a great way to get plant-based protein, and can be used in a variety of ways. I try to pick up ones that are "natural" or do not have added sugars. 

4) Canned Fish and Chicken

I like to keep canned tuna, salmon, and chicken on hand as these are great to make into salads, or eat on bread and crackers. A little mustard, salt, and pepper is all you need to make a tasty lunch or snack. 

5) Pasta, Rice, and Oatmeal

These are year-round staples in my pantry and can make so many different meals. I look for organic, low sodium pasta sauces as well for a quick spaghetti dinner. You can also keep canned tomatoes and dry herbs around if you prefer to make your own sauce. 

6) Pickles 

My favorite food in the entire world is the pickle, and lucky for me this is a great non-perishable hurricane food! Other pickled veggies that I keep around are jalapeños and red onions. 

7) Sprouted Crackers / Breads

Perfect for sandwiches, snacks, salad toppings, etc. More people are likely to clean the shelves of processed white breads, so this is a great option that are usually around a little bit longer. 

8) Sparkling Water / Seltzer

I drink seltzer on a regular day, so I just get extra before a hurricane. Most people are looking for bottled water, so the seltzers get largely ignored. A great way to stay hydrated with a little bit of flavor- great for those who normally drink sodas too, as you still get the carbonation! (Be sure to get regular water too though). 

Products I've Been Loving This Summer

August 4, 2019

I'm not one of those people who is easily iNfLUenCed by things I see on social media. I don't feel the need to have the latest fad beauty product or clothing item, mostly because I don't like having the exact same things as someone else just to feel like I'm one of the cool kids. I'm more of the type to be inspired by something I see, and find what version of it will work best for me. However, there are a few items that have been floating around my Instagram wishlist for a while that I couldn't help but pick up with some birthday gift cards. I've been using them for a few weeks and they do not disappoint.

1) Supergoop Glow Stick SPF 50
This is a Dena (@leowithcancer on Instagram) staple that she just made look too good to pass up. I am a big fan of beauty products that can be applied on the go, with one hand, and don't need to be rubbed in. Not only does this give you a dewy, just-got-off-the-beach glow, it is also clear (bye white caste) and sits well under makeup. This is perfect to throw in your beach bag, purse, fanny pack, etc and makes reapplying sunscreen so easy.

2) Kosas Tinted Face Oil
I've been wanting to try this as I literally own 1 liquid foundation- ever since I moved to Florida, I basically ditched most of my heavier makeup. I've been looking for something that gives my skin an even canvas, has buildable coverage, and won't cake up or cling to dry patches. This stuff is perfect for an everyday tinted moisturizer/foundation. It is surprisingly hydrating without being greasy, and makes my skin look and feel soft as a feather. I got shade #2 and it is a perfect match for me.

3) Kevyn Aucoin Glass Glow
Anything @thecriticalbabe on Instagram recommends is always fire. I have been meaning to pick up a new highlighter but there are so many on the market that I honestly didn't even know where to start. To me, the perfect highlighter is one that basically makes my skin look like glass and isn't glittery, and this is Kevyn Aucoin liquid highlighter does exactly that. It is seriously stunning. I purchased the shade Crystal Clear and I think it would work beautifully for all skin tones.

4) Glossier You Solid Perfume
This scent is one of my favorites. I hoarded the glass vial samples when the fragrance first hit the market, and as I ran out I would miss it so. My sister came through with a Glossier gift card for my birthday and I decided to pick up the solid version since I had some travel coming up. I absolutely love the packaging- it feels super luxurious and is easy to travel with. The scent? Already a favorite of mine, so I'm glad I can now take this TSA friendly version with me everywhere.

5) Boy Smells Votive Candles
This is my first 'fancy candle' purchase. I've seen this brand online for a while, and the reason I purchased these over Diptyque is largely due to the price point, but also because they have some very unique fragrances that aren't overly sweet or artificial. I decided to try mini versions of some of their best selling candles: Ash, Cedar Stack, and Kush. All 3 are wonderful unisex fragrances that have a clean quality to them, with subtle differences- Cedar Stack is more earthy and woodsy, while Ash is slightly dark & smokey. Kush has an incense-y, musk, almost powdery fragrance that is perfect next to my bed. I saw that they have another votive set with 3 other scents, which I may pick up as well to try!

Leo Season

July 28, 2019

Hey y'all- I've been MIA for a little bit on the blog scene. I've been focusing a lot on self care as I continue my mental health journey, as well as caring for my two new little furry family members! We are now the proud parent of two kittens and couldn't be happier.

It's officially Leo season, aka the definition of #hotgirlsummer in my opinion. This is the time of year that's filled with days in bikinis, pool/beach days, fresh fruit, cold drinks, warm nights, and general good feels. It's also important to have a fire playlist. Spotify has been doing an awesome job with customizing my account based on what I'm listening to, what my interests are, etc. My favorite right now are the Astrology playlists. I've been bumping the Leo playlist since the beginning of the summer and since it's mixed up with new songs weekly, it never gets old. Check out my summer playlist curated just for all my lionesses!

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